I have to admit, though, that I stole the wonderful premise from a high school Spanish teacher in Pinellas County. But, I did add my own creative flair and parameters to the activity with the elaborate instructions and further global sharing! Students were asked to create personal car License Plates as a writing and speaking prompt for language class.
Attached are my Activity Instructions, as well as my students' work as examples (except the first one, which is my pretend Gator Vanity Plate).
Happy creating and speaking!
Now, the same activity was completed by global peers at Colegio Decroly in Madrid. They also used U.S. license plates, instead choosing a state that they wish to visit one day. Here are our global partners' responses including videos of the oral presentations: http://herecomestheclass.wix.com/herecomestheclass#!License-Plates/c1fks/F7BF49C7-6E35-4AB0-BDBE-D417C4F77F2F
We are so excited to connect with them!